Why and How to Learn JavaScript

21 Jan 2021

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the most useful scripting languages for making web pages. It is easier to manipulate it than C language and java. In other words, people can understand it quickly after control C language and java because they have some similar syntax. However, C language and Java are statically typed language, but JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. Thus, programmers must specify what type each variable is before running the program when they use C language and Java, but they do not have to specify the type of variables in declaring variables in JavaScript. For example, if programmers using JavaScript, they just use var, const, or let to declare any type of variables, but there are some keywords such as int that is an integer type, and float that is a shortened term for floating points to distinguish between floating-point and integers in C language. In addition, ES6 makes JavaScript more convenient, and lets code become cleaner, short, and easier to understand for programmers.

Personal Experience

Taking the practice WODS can help students to control JavaScript which is an interesting language to help them to make web pages. Therefore, taking more and more the practice WODS is useful for students to control JavaScript and acquire full points in WODs. when I took the practice WODs, I did not feel nervous and finish it in less than average time. However, I felt very nervous before and during taking the WOD, which made me write the word “lenght” instead of “length”. I spend more than 5 minutes to find this misspelled error, and as time went by I was more nervous, which made my brain seem to stop thinking. Fortunately, I found this error at the last minute. Thus, I need to take more the practice WODs and pretend it is a really WOD. Finally, I hope that I can be calm in the next WODs and finish it quickly.


In general, if students should finish code in a limited time, which make some students be influenced because they will feel nervous and even forgot everything that they should know under time pressure, especially myself. In a limited time, students should come up with a solution quickly and then start to code. In other words, if they get the wrong solution from the start, it means they have no chance to finish the problem on time. Therefore, WODs require that we have a complete understanding of JavaScript syntax and must check that the solution is correct before we start to code. people can relieve pressure come from worrying do not have enough time by taking the practice WODs. Taking WODs is a good way to judge whether students should improve their skills and learn more knowledge about JavaScript in order to promote their abilities. Even though it is stressful, students will feel happy if they slove it on time. This style of learning can remind me that I should keep learning if I spend longer than the average time, so it is useful for me.